This afternoon I had the opportunity to interview Nick Logan in my latest “Take 5 with the Tribe” interview series. Nick Logan is one of the co-founders of the Empowered Tribe and gives some great pointers on finding your passion, video marketing, and the new changes in Google that make it more important than ever to take advantage of what has to offer.
The first question I asked Nick is regarding what he is most passionate about. In other words what gets him fired up about his online business.
Nick is most passionate about coaching. Whether that be with youth sports, the proper mindset, or coaching and sharing the knowledge and skills he has gained over the last few years with his online endeavors. Nick decided a few years back to integrate his passions into his business. I would say
that is working out pretty well for him.
Nick is extremely passionate about teaching people video editing and creating viral videos, product creation and of course the tribe concept. Since Nick has had some great success with video marketing, I asked him to share one tip that you could use today to ramp up your success with video. He shared way more than one tip.
Nick shared his formula for constructing videos. This also works for formulating your blog posts as well.
The formula is:
Tell them what you are GOING to tell them… (Intro)
Tell them… (body of your message)
Tell them what you just told them… (conclusion and call to action)
Remember people have short attention spans. If you do not get their attention in the first 7 seconds they are onto another video. At first keep your videos short. If you have a hard time coming up with content, just grab one of your favorite quotes and tell your audience what that means to you. Be sure to have a call to action at the end of your video.
What is a call to action? Tell your audience what you would like them to do. Direct them. Whether you want them to comment, Retweet, Share on Facebook, or maybe you want to send them to your blog, or capture page.
It is important put a link or watermark right on your video. If you do not know how to do this, Nick shares some valuable and simple video editing techniques at
Nick also recommends getting into a ritual of doing a video everyday. The best way to do this is with a 30 day video challenge. Our students in the community have shown remarkable results within a few days of dedicating themselves to a 30 day video challenge.
The last thing I asked Nick, was to describe what about the TRIBE model that most excites him. Nick shares some amazing insights on some lesser known changes that fall right into the hands of those that have a blog and most importantly are taking advantage of the Tribe model. Be sure to watch the video all the way through. You don’t want to miss this tip.
Click here to view the embedded video.
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